The Inefficiency of Being Too Curious

One time leak I noticed I had was checking up on certain things too often. I’ve already gotten my email processing down to only once a day, but I found I was still checking up on things like blog comments, feeds, ad revenue, sales through my games site, web traffic, watchlists, and other stats several times per day at random intervals. 继续阅读The Inefficiency of Being Too Curious


我注意到自己浪费时间的一个地方,就是会过于频繁地查看某些东西。我已把处理邮件的频率降到每天一次,但自己仍会在随意时间,每天多次地查看博客评论、订阅内容、广告收入、自己游戏网站上的销售情况、网站流量、收看列表等其他数据。 继续阅读过度好奇的低效影响