这篇文章是共有9部分的系列文章的第1部分,此系列文章说明了我用来重新设计和发布StevePavlina.com网站的全过程。从开始到结束,这一过程花了大概7个月时间。大家可以把它想成一份深入的事后分析报告。我认为对于任何经营网络生意、拥有WordPress博客网站,或有兴趣创建自己网站的人士,此系列文章将颇有价值。我会在其中说明大量细节,包括自己如何做出关键决定,如何解决问题,以及如何获得所需各种技能,以驱动整个项目由始至终。你还将看到我是如何利用个人成长的普适原则,来指导个人决策和行动,尤其是在先前技能储备不足的情况下做成此事。所以此系列文章,会像一本免费小书,为你提供处理一个大项目的深入见解。我也希望通过分享这段经历,能帮你成功应对自己的某个大项目。 继续阅读重新设计StevePavlina.com网站 — 第1部分
标签: 成长
Redesigning StevePavlina.com – Part 1
This is the first part of a 9-part series about the process I used to redesign and relaunch StevePavlina.com, which took about seven months from start to finish. Think of it as an in-depth postmortem. I think this series will have value for anyone who runs a web business or a WordPress site or who’s interested in creating one of their own. I’ll include lots of detail about how I made key decisions, solved problems, and gained the skills needed to drive the project from start to finish. You’ll also see how I used universal personal growth principles to guide decisions and actions, especially when my pre-existing skills were inadequate. So this will be like a free mini-book to give you insight into a sizable project. I also hope that by sharing this, it will inspire you to successfully tackle a large project of your own. 继续阅读Redesigning StevePavlina.com – Part 1
几天前,我和朋友J.D.一起吃晚餐时,他提到一个能在脑中进行复杂数学运算的奇人。此人被问到如何能这么迅速地完成那种神奇运算,他回答说,自己只是用了与大多数人并不相同的大脑区域进行运算。 继续阅读将个人技能转移到大脑的不同区域部分
Don’t Intend Money Directly
The Law of Attraction can be very powerful. It’s more than wishing, intending, and visualizing though. 继续阅读Don’t Intend Money Directly
“吸引力法则”(指通过坚守意念,你能吸引到自己想要的事物。译者注)可以有强大威力。但它不止是许愿、意想和视觉化想象。 继续阅读不要直接意求获取金钱
我们如何选择个人喜好呢? 继续阅读个人喜好怎么选择?
10,000 Hours of Personal Growth
You may have heard the idea idea that it takes 10,000 hours of dedicated practice to achieve mastery in a certain field. This is equivalent to doing your activity full time for 5 years (10,000 hours = 40 hours/week x 50 weeks/year x 5 years). 继续阅读10,000 Hours of Personal Growth
你可能听说过这种观点:一个人若想在特定领域达到精通程度,需要专注练习10000小时。它等同于全职工作5年时间(10000小时 = 40小时/周 x 50周/年 x 5年)。 继续阅读追求个人成长10000小时
Andrew’s Story
Andrew Wilcox recently shared a story with me about his experiences with conscious lifestyle change. His story includes some insights that I haven’t really touched upon. I asked him if it would be okay to publish it here in my blog, and thankfully he agreed. 继续阅读Andrew’s Story
Andrew Wilcox(安德鲁·威尔科特斯)最近和我分享了一个故事,讲述了他在生活方式上进行清醒转变的经历体验。Andrew的故事包含一些我还从未真正触及的人生洞见。我问他是否可以将这个故事发布在我的博客中,非常感谢Andrew,他同意了我的想法。 继续阅读Andrew的故事