这个网站从开始设计到最终发布需要付出大量耐心。从2015年10月末,一直到2016年4月1日网站最终发布,我常感觉只要想如此,便可在一周内收工发布这个网站。那种感受很可能也是真相,但我在网站上付出的工作越多,就越想提升自己在发布前渴望达到的标准。 继续阅读重新设计StevePavlina.com网站 — 第9部分
这个网站从开始设计到最终发布需要付出大量耐心。从2015年10月末,一直到2016年4月1日网站最终发布,我常感觉只要想如此,便可在一周内收工发布这个网站。那种感受很可能也是真相,但我在网站上付出的工作越多,就越想提升自己在发布前渴望达到的标准。 继续阅读重新设计StevePavlina.com网站 — 第9部分
This is part 9 of the 9-part series on Redesigning StevePavlina.com.
Getting the website from beginning to launch took a lot of patience. From late October 2015 through the final launch on April 1st, 2016, I often felt that I could wrap up and launch the site within a week if I wanted to. And that was probably true, but the more I worked on the site, the more I raised my standards for what I wanted to achieve before the launch. 继续阅读Redesigning StevePavlina.com – Part 9
This is part 8 of the 9-part series on Redesigning StevePavlina.com.
When monetizing a website, it’s common to think in terms of a sales funnel, an analogy I find dehumanizing and prefer to avoid. I understand that this model can be effective at generating sales. But treating people as inputs to a funnel doesn’t satisfy my heart and spirit. It seems like a hollow, soulless way to think about business. 继续阅读Redesigning StevePavlina.com – Part 8
当变现一个网站时,人们常会想到销售漏斗这个词,我却发现这种类比缺乏人情味,更愿回避使用它。我理解在创造销售方面,这种思考模型挺有效。但把人们当做流过一个漏斗的输入品,难以让我在心灵和精神层面感到满意。它看起来就像对待生意的一种空洞虚伪,又毫无灵魂的思考方式。 继续阅读重新设计StevePavlina.com网站 – 第8部分
除了自行编写两款WordPress插件,这个设计项目的一大部分工作,也涉及调查、测试、选择和配置其他可以用在我网站上的优质插件。 继续阅读重新设计StevePavlina.com网站 — 第7部分
This is part 7 of the 9-part series on Redesigning StevePavlina.com.
In addition to writing two of my own WordPress plugins, a significant part of this project also involved researching, testing, selecting, and configuring other quality plugins to use on my site. 继续阅读Redesigning StevePavlina.com – Part 7
对于博客文章主页,与WordPress的默认效果相比,我想要更简洁和可视化的设计。我通常会为每篇文章写出合理清晰的标题,这样大多数情况下,人们只用看到标题,就能明白一篇文章的内容是什么。这种做法让额外显示文章片段毫无必要。我选择用美观的3×4方块布局,在每个页面列出12篇文章。在更小的阅读设备上,这些方块也能自动调整成不同的布局结构。 继续阅读重新设计StevePavlina.com – 6部分
This is part 6 of the 9-part series on Redesigning StevePavlina.com.
For the main blog page, I wanted to go with something simpler and more visual than the WordPress default. I usually give every article a reasonably clear title, so people can tell what an article is about just by seeing the title in most cases, which makes extra snippets from the article text unnecessary. I opted to list 12 articles per page in a nice 3×4 layout, which automatically collapses to different layouts on smaller devices. 继续阅读Redesigning StevePavlina.com – Part 6
此部分工作涉及转移旧网站HTML页面上的内容,将其添加到新的WordPress页面,进行更新,并重新设计格式。 继续阅读重新设计StevePavlina.com网站 – 第5部分
This is part 5 of the 9-part series on Redesigning StevePavlina.com.
The next part of the project was straightforward. It was time to create all the pages and build out the site. 继续阅读Redesigning StevePavlina.com – Part 5