几天前,我和朋友J.D.一起吃晚餐时,他提到一个能在脑中进行复杂数学运算的奇人。此人被问到如何能这么迅速地完成那种神奇运算,他回答说,自己只是用了与大多数人并不相同的大脑区域进行运算。 继续阅读将个人技能转移到大脑的不同区域部分
月度归档: 2016年3月
Move a Skill to a Different Part of Your Brain
A few nights ago, I was having dinner with my friend J.D., and he mentioned a guy who could do complex mathematical calculations in his head. J.D. said when the guy was asked how he could do such amazing calculations so quickly, the guy answered that he used a different part of his brain for math than most people do. 继续阅读Move a Skill to a Different Part of Your Brain
Why People End Their Relationships
At a workshop in Mexico last month, I invited the audience to brainstorm a list of reasons for ending a relationship. Why do people break up? 继续阅读Why People End Their Relationships
上月在墨西哥举办的一场工作坊上,我邀请听众用头脑风暴的方式,想出结束感情关系的一系列原因。人们为何会选择分手? 继续阅读人们为何会结束自己的感情关系
Don’t Intend Money Directly
The Law of Attraction can be very powerful. It’s more than wishing, intending, and visualizing though. 继续阅读Don’t Intend Money Directly
“吸引力法则”(指通过坚守意念,你能吸引到自己想要的事物。译者注)可以有强大威力。但它不止是许愿、意想和视觉化想象。 继续阅读不要直接意求获取金钱