For at least a decade now, I’ve been an avid devourer of personal development info. I literally have it for breakfast, since I often listen to audio programs while eating. One audio program I recently picked up from the local library is Earl Nightingale’s The Strangest Secret. I own a number of Earl’s audio programs (Lead the Field is my favorite), so I really enjoyed this one too. It can take a while to get used to Earl’s extremely deep voice, but I like his no-nonsense, tell-it-like-it-is style. The Strangest Secret is from 1988, but I found that most of the ideas are timeless and still apply today. The “secret” is simply six words: We become what we think about. 继续阅读The Strangest Secret
每日归档: 2004年10月3日
至少十几年来,我一直都是个人发展类信息的贪婪吞食者。由于常在早饭时收听音频,个人发展类信息简直就成了我的早餐。最近我从图书馆借来的一个音频项目,是Earl Nightingale的The Strangest Secret(《最奇妙的秘密》)。我已有Earl的不少音频项目(Lead the Field《带头猎追》是我的最爱),所以这个音频我也非常爱听。适应Earl极为深沉的嗓音需要花点时间,但我喜欢他毫不拖泥带水,实话实说的语言风格。《最奇妙的秘密》创作于1988年,但我发现其中大部分想法都超越了时间,在今天依然适用。所谓“秘密”,就是简简单单的一句话:我们会变成自己所想的样子。 继续阅读最奇妙的秘密